View of first four...
View one of second 4
View two of second four, the one on the left has three colors, thus a different looking pot each way.
View of third five...
I am part of the are most of the people I know. Funny about that. If I looked for the 100th person that I knew today, then I'd figure that must be the rich 1% who holds the majority of the money of our country. Just thinking. But when I look inside myself, I wonder what's keeping me from doing a demonstration. I think it's my physical limitations at my age. SO if I were in my vigorous 30s or even 40s, I'd certainly be out there. Being closer to 70, I can vigorously post blogs!
What charming little pots! I'm a supporter of OWS but haven't gotten myself to the Asheville one -- like you, my support is on the Internet -- mainly Facebook.