Sunday, April 10, 2011

my journey again

Well, having taken a frew breaths, I'll share some of the nature photos (these are the last, I swear) from my trip south last week.

Crescent Beach on a Mon. afternoon was almost deserted.  The trash overuneth, so over the weekend it had been busier. 
I was initially worried that these fisher-people wouldn't want anyone nearby...but when I went to wade along the water, I discovered why nobody was in the cool water.  Jelly fish were dead along the sand, and though I walked a half hour in the water edge, I kept my eye out.  You don't want to argue with some jelly fish, and I wouldn't know Portugese Man of War (I think that's what they're called, or something along those lines) from pussy cat jelly fish.

This shows the boardwalk across the dunes...and some newcommers slathering down with their coconut oils.  I didn't bother to put any I was only there less than an hour.

It was a lovely rest-stop, and soon I was on the highway again for parts north...after waiting for the drawbridge in St. Augustine...

The new Bridge of Lions still has the lions, but it isn't as pretty as the old one, at least to me.  I also drove by the apartment I'd lived in back before 2000, which was empty and for sale (the whole empty duplex apartment building) as it had been last year when I visited.  I liked the newish green paint, and missed my red door in the former grey walls.

The next day I returned to the highway after a safe motel stop for a storm which brought really high winds and rain through the area (it hit before dawn in Brunswick where I stayed).  By that afternoon everything was sunny and cool, but there were still some scarey winds that would gust occasionally.

After a week in tropical lush green FL, I loved seeing spring again as I also loved seeing land that rose up before me.
It's hard to see, but not only were clouds great and white, but snow lay upon the mountains north of Black Mountain. 

With this view now I'm almost home.  Of course I put the camera away as I unloaded the car, greeted a very clingy cat, and enjoyed shopping for my own food not an hour later...lots of fresh fruit and vegies!  Eating on the road I usually lose a few pounds...that I notice, but nobody else ever does.  Mainly I just eat one meal a day.  After all, not getting much exercise.

I thought several times of keeping track of the money I spent on gas.  And that's as far as I felt like going with it.  I just needed to see those family members, and no high priced gas was going to change that.

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Thanks for making this a more personal connection by saying what you think. I'll post your comments for others to see soon!